Thursday, December 7, 2006

Stitchfest 2 for the Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline

yesterday i read a post on one of my myspace group forums (yeah im a blog hopper :P) about a "stitchfest" being held in chicago on the 1st. the goal of this meeting is to "come together in peace and joy while creating a symbol of love to support those who are fighting to end sexual violence". and i thought it was neat, to be able to do something to show appreciation for those ladies that work for the hotline.
but sadly my schedule for the first is already filled :( so i messaged the girl that put up the post and she said i could send in swatches, varying between 4"x4" and 6"x6" <3 and so im making 6x6 squares yay!
here is a link to the stitchfest 2 myspace page for more info, if anyone is interested

Mari <3

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