Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We Have Come Too Far

we can't turn around
we'll flood the streets with justice
we are freedom bound

and that song is stuck in my brains. soaking and squishing.
Sooo yeah, i guess i'm finally a college girl ;)
(i'm excited) it's exciting (i'm excited)
i've been working on my own socks.. like as in figuring out how to crochet socks with actual sock yarn... i made paulie go with me to the yarny store after we had dinner cuz it was close by a couple days ago. and i found some awesome sock yarn and now im on a MISSION. and its a red and purple variegated kind of mission.
i found out that i have no concept of "gusset" like.. what the heck is that anyway? so i think i have attempted it but quit while it was still a formulation of a thought in my head. yes. i'm almost done with one sock which means my pattern's almost done but don't get your hopes up because then i'll definitely crush them. utterly.
i'm also working indefinitely on yet another "scrap" afghan lol. it looks awesome but i discovered early that it's only for show. i draped it over me one time to see how it felt and all my toes and the tips of my knees poked out of the lil granny holes lol. ermm... decoration it is! it's fabulous. maybe on top of the "real" covers it will give some added warmth in the dead of winter? eh.
oh yes.

<3 Mari

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